13th of January 2021 Online

Liverpool John Moores University logo
University of Manchester logo
University of York logo
ORCA Hub logo
RAIN Hub logo
AAIP logo


Robots and autonomous systems are increasingly used for remote inspection of various installations, from offshore wind farms to nuclear decommissioning sites, industrial plants, and disaster areas. Such systems are particularly useful for dull, dirty, dangerous, dear, delicate, and difficult (6D) scenarios, and are frequently safety- and mission-critical. Consequentially, verification and regulation are essential to ensure safe and reliable operations.

This workshop brings together key stakeholders interested in the verification and regulation challenges faced when using robotic systems for remote inspection. The workshop is divided into three sessions covering: Applications, Regulation and Verification, and Future Challenges. Each session will have talks and a Q&A session, to further explore the details of the regulation and verification challenges. A variety of speakers, from industry, regulatory organisations, and academia, will present the latest developments from their fields.

Presentations and Videos

The presentations from the workshop are available individually in the Programme below, or they may be downloaded as a zip file(30.3MB).

The videos of the each session are available individually in the Programme below, or can be accessed directly here:

